
The war on women may be coming to an end

I am very excited about the governor’s race in VA. Another man with medieval ideas was trying to become governor. He had already done damage as Lt. Governor. Well, sanity returns to VA. I’m so sick of conservatives trying to stop women from taking birth control pills and even making abortion illegal when a woman is raped or pregnant as a result of incest.

This push by men and unfortunately supported by very misguided women is to basically to take women back to when they were considered property. They don’t want women to be successful in the workplace, contributors to art and science. Just keep ‘em barefoot and pregnant.

But something good happened in VA this week and sanity prevailed. Let’s keep the ball rolling and kick out Rick Scott in FL and then the rest of the oppressive conservatives in the GOP.  Too bad Chis Christie got voted back in. He’s one of those repugnant men. Don’t ever let him be president. Women get smart. Don’t vote against your own best interests. We women know our reproductive needs, not some ignorant men who want to dominate our gender.

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