
Strange times

Here we go again. We are not a full month into this administration and I dread turning on the news. I am horrified that this administration wants to dismantle environmental protections right off the bat. Put someone in charge of the EPA that wants to dismantle it. Is repealing a rule the prevented the mentally ill from buying a gun. And a gun means an automatic weapon in this country. These are obvious disasters waiting to happen. Why is the Republican party so evil? You can’t eat money, drink money, or breathe money. Yet they give not one thought to protecting our planet from man-made destruction. What happened to their brains, to their cognitive abilities? To their brainwashed selves statistics about our fragile environment are fake news. Sometimes I get so angry, I want to shout in their faces, Why are you so stupid? Don’t you care about your children and grandchildren?

Don’t you care if a schizophrenic individual has a shooting rampage at a mall, at a school, at a movie theater? No, they’ve been fed to believe that the ones who will kill us come from Muslim countries, or have brown skin and slipped in here illegally. They are not white kids who have stolen their idiot parents’ easy-to get-to guns or easy-to-buy guns because of unfettered access thanks to the evil NRA. Folks, the second amendment was put there to protect our young country from falling back into tyranny. To form a militia to protect itself. Not to carry weapons to kill each other. Automatic weapons are not needed to hunt deer, or bears. And we have no need to hunt anyway for our food. It’s just for the sick need for blood lust. To kill innocent creatures for fun. And when this blood lust is making species go extinct, it’s appalling.

Now that the Muslim ban has been halted for several weeks have terrorists slipped passed our borders in droves as our so-called president would have you believe? All you terrified brainwashed fools at least can post sentries by your front doors armed with military style weapons in case a terrorist passes your way. I hope you don’t kill your wife, your child, or some frightened refugee that lost her way.

Wake-up America. Vote these subhumans out of office. Save our country and save yourselves. Let the human experiment last a few more centuries. I’m begging you.

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