
This and that

I know we all love our families but do we take the time to step back and really appreciate the miracle of it all? When your children have children it sparks the wonder. This little person seems to have my toes or my ears. The miracle of DNA, the miracle of life always pushing forward. Just a second ago, I was learning how to walk, talk, taste the newness of life, then be enraptured by my little tykes running all over the house pulling out this and that making nighttime visits to bedrooms in the dark a minefield for stubbed toes from tripping over toys. Exhaustion, intense demands, bliss marked the joy of motherhood. As they grow up, the exhaustion is replaced by hoping that dreams are fulfilled, ease of life is achieved and their little tykes, my children by my children, grab and hold the world tight. Ah, it’s a cliche but true–it all goes by so fast when looking back.

I submitted my second novel to a contest that amazon is holding. Feb 24, I will find out if my pitch made the first cut. I am hoping that WWE my first novel will bring some professional interest. My publisher is being quite helpful my setting up a blog tour and facebook ad. If I had the money, I would hire a publicist. As far as the success of the blog tour, it is very uneven so far. Enthrall by some is punctuated with either not getting it, nitpicking comments, or short shrift. I appreciate the book being read though. An author needs to be read, and the arts are very subjective. One man’s meat and all. Ten years of looking for a publisher still doesn’t make negative comments any easier. I take it personally because writing is personal. I realize that these ladies of the blog read tons of books at lightening speed to make their deadlines so that in itself is daunting and for me would take the fun out of reading. So I thank the bloggers for all they do to help their readers choose a book out of the mountain of choices. And I love the bloggers who just love my book my book–like this lady:


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