
Reflections on marketing and the cosmos

So the blog tour is over. How do I feel about it? Very mixed. Some reviewers actually took the time to read the book for pleasure. Not like some who speed read it along with several other books at once  to get the reviews up and the hits to their site. Turns out we are in the same game. I want  people to buy my book and they want hits to their sites. So money rules. Some focused on the book’s cover. The cover didn’t have a  semi-dressed seductress and hard body male, just a plain old goddess who is nurturing the planet. As we women do, when we are not overpowered by some fundamentalist religions. The cover represents the book’s message, the empowerment of women, so I don’t understand the complaints. If you read the book, really read it you would understand the symbolism in the cover. And some reviews were like a substandard book report for high school. One particular irksome occurrance, a reviewer didn’t get the name of my protag right and when I pointed it out, she never changed it. Go figure. So except for the ones that missed major details, there were reviewers that GOT the book–really got it and to them I say a big thank you and blow a big kiss. But all in all, at least the bloggers got the word out. Some even posted their reviews on other sites, so big kiss for going the extra mile. Kindle sales have been brisk. Gotta love that. Strangers are reading my book because they WANT to. Wow!

So what does the cosmos have to do with this? Everything. It is the reason, I’m typing this post. So much has gone on these past weeks in the world. Upheavals in the middle east and the concern for what it really means. Mother earth trying to shake us off. I think we all need to learn some valuable lessons here. It’s all about the journey and not the destination. It’s all about the work and not about the money. I celebrated my birthday this past week and what was the most glorious and magical thing about it? My family pouring out their love. Who could ask for more?

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