
Indie success and concern for women

So today, I got great validation for Walking with Elephants. It is a top-5 finalist in the Kindle Book Review’s Best Indie Book’s of 2012. What that means is a big Woo Hoo! Whether sales pick up or not this is one accomplishment that can’t be taken away. I knew the book was great and now that’s been validated. This encouragement is quite beneficial because here I sit at my computer day after day wondering if the solitude is worth it. This recognition makes it so. I think of myself as an author. A good writer. So, yeah. It feels good. Really good.

But there’s something else that doesn’t feel so good. I write about female empowerment. About how women can be active participants in the working world and also be caregivers at home. How to blend the demands. And now we have a political party with an agenda to take women back to before the Movement, to before the arrival of birth control pills. To be barefoot and pregnant in some man’s kitchen. Why aren’t all women afraid of this? Why does this political party say the government should not be telling you to buy health insurance but telling you what to do in your bedroom. Telling you that intimacy is only for procreation. Where do they get off pushing that agenda in 2012? And why are any women in support of that? Abortion? Sure that’s a quagmire, but if it is outlawed again women will find a way… again, and be butchered…again. But Ann Romney praised women, you say. But how did she praise women? She said, we are the mothers, the sisters, the daughters who take care. Really? We are also the CEOS, the teachers, professors, astronauts, doctors, lawyers, members of Congress and governors, etc. We have made great strides since the 1950s in making a difference. We have got to stop this assault. We can do this with our votes. Vote no to going back to 1950, to the dark ages. Please. Oh, please get out and vote, NO TO THE GOP. Stop these old men from deciding the fate of women!

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