
For the fun of it–the writing, the writing

How to stay motivated? I have no clue what drives me. I keep pushing, that’s all I know. There are so many people ready to give advice–for a fee. Buy my book and I will show you how to have bestseller sales; hire me to spread the word around the Internet, promote your book, and increase your sales; advertise in the newsletter and hope we give you a review.

That was the biggest ripoff. Publisher’s Weekly charges $149 for a tiny mention in their quarterly but you couldn’t be considered for a review unless you did that. Of course, no review for me–how did they choose? Probably by some author paying for a high-powered PR firm. Then I get an email from NY Review of Books. Oh, I see you listed in PW, would you be interested in listing with us? Not a review mind you, but a hefty ad fee. I said you are probably the only one who saw my PW listing because you were hunting for a sucker–I didn’t say sucker, LOL, but I thought it.

So here I am looking at just a few options coming up to spread the word on WWE. Sales have really slowed even though it was a top-5 finalist in the KBR best indies.
Trying to get my second novel out–that might help sales. The advisors say have more than one book to sell. The advisors say have a blog that will bring readers and then they will bring readers of your book. But the only time I get traffic here is when I put the real housewives in my title. What to do?

But it’s all wrong–I’ve gotten caught up in the BS. Writing was something I wanted and more importantly NEEDED to do. A calling. The good reviews are a validation that I can touch people, the satisfaction of completing a novel is beyond words. So here I am talking to myself, encouraging myself, and you know what? It’s working. The hell with sales. I’m a writer. And I always thought of myself as one. Now I am. For myself, for a few, and for posterity. Life is good.

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