
The election, women are safe for now

The sane public has spoken. Don’t get in my face with your zealous, religious dogma.  Live with your moral values for yourself but don’t dictate to me. Rape is NOT a form of conception, Mr Stupid Paul Ryan. Rape is a violent crime. All the ignorant extremists have been told to just shut up and will disappear.  The underlying Republican ideology of small government and lower taxes is not a bad philosophy. But confusing religious fundamentalism with politics is bad. And the other problem is that the states are so broke right now that they can’t provide the services for their constituents. We can move toward a smaller federal government when the economy recovers, which it will.  We are global, so the world needs to heal as well. In time, this will happen because it is cyclical. Recession, depression, prosperity all change places over time.

What we need is a sane approach to global climate change, continuing to  respect women’s rights, keeping the sharks of Wall Street at bay, monitoring big banks, having health care for all, and helping the poor and elderly live like they are not in a third world country. We can do this and we will because the people have spoken, with their votes. I’m proud to be an American.

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