
Kindle freebies are kinda fun

I am now into the third day of my five-day Kindle freebie for my two short stories. First of all, let me say this–the stories were just $.99. Ninety-nine cents and hardly anyone bought them. Can you believe it? But free? Well, now we are cookin’. Not that they are getting tons of downloads, far  from it. Namely because I didn’t think it was worth the cost to advertise this freebie so I’m cool with one and two downloads here and there.

So what’s the fun part you ask? One person in Japan, two people in Canada, a hit in France, Spain, Germany and the UK. I have never had anyone in Japan read anything I wrote, nor in Canada. So this really psyches me. I know that it’s possible the stories won’t be read, but there is the possibility that they will. INTERNATIONALLY. WOW! Can this lead to sales of my full-length work? One can only hope. And I also got another five-star review for The Companion. That was sweet.

So this is just plain fun. Have a go and download Brooklyn Rhapsody or The Companion and give me some fun. Who needs money? In a few weeks, I’m giving away Sunspots and I have a major marketing campaign for that. I expect to be delirious.

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