
Subscribers and visitors

Recently I have noticed an uptick in my subscribers. Nearly 400 now. But I have noticed very little change in visitors to my site. This perplexes me. I have added the Subscribe2 plugin and so that’s probably why, but the question is are these real people or bots? How can you subscribe to this blog and not visit it? If anyone has the answer to that question please, please tell me.

Apparently people can buy Facebook likes and Twitter followers all in a charade to make an innocent believe that a site is well-received, that a book is well-received. Probably reviews are for sale as well. A disturbing thought. But at least lately, the angry trolls seemed to have moved on to other authors so my sites are not the recipients of angry posts. Even Goodreads seems to have calmed down. There’s not so much chatter anymore about attacks.  So I hope my subscribers are real and that somehow this blog is growing a following. For now at least there is no angry anybody. Don’t want to go through that again.

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