So nothing stays the same. When I transitioned over to GoDaddy, I thought I had solved my problems. Networked Blogs had created a thumbnail image for my new blog like they did before, but they changed the syndication to a company called symphony that now will charge to publish my posts. No good. But then I discovered a workaround by using networked blogs quick publisher. It worked great for a few posts then the website that generates my thumbnail for networked blogs refreshed the image and replaced it with something totally unacceptable: my subscribe popup right in the middle of the image. Can’t figure out how to get a new thumbnail from them. UGH@!!
So now I’ve spent several hours trying to figure out how to use a WordPress plugin to create a thumbnail and all I can create is a fuzzy thumbnail, but you know what I’m sticking with it because troubleshooting this stuff is more than annoying. So now I can’t quick publish to my three facebook pages and I have to publish to one page and then share the post to the other pages. OH WELL.