
This election cycle, my audible book, and update on my latest work

First, I must apologize in advance. I don’t mean to insult anyone with their candidate choices, but it amazes me  how far right the GOP has swung and how much it panders to the donor class. Sure nobody wants our country falling into stratosphere debt but let’s take a step back and consider how much money is spent on boots on the ground warfare and how much more is being asked for. But that’s not how wars are fought anymore. We don’t need a massive army and all kinds of equipment. Money can be much better spent on helping the lives of We the People. When I  watch the GOP debates, I feel like I’m in a time warp of the COLD WAR. So much hatred, so much fear-mongering to keep us regular folks in line so that through our fear we are not paying attention to how we are becoming enslaved by Corporate America.

Serious problems are not being addressed. We need to maintain our clean water supply, which is being compromised right here in this country and not only in Michigan. We need to have healthcare really be affordable. My daughter lives in Germany and has amazing healthcare insurance there, no copays, no deductibles, even for hospital stays. Seniors rely  on Medicare and Soc. Security and we all will be seniors eventually. Planned parenthood is not an abortion mill and no federal funds ae allowed to be used for abortions. It’s the law, so what’s the fight about? A gun culture is a culture of death.

But corporate greed fuels these arguments. Trump may not need the donor class but his company is a corporation benefiting from tax loopholes to make him as wealthy as he is. He is not We the People, he is a wealthy man because his father was a wealthy man. He is privileged, like most of the candidates either from the circumstances of their birth or by windfalls from holding office and getting speaking fees and writing books. Politics is a springboard for great wealth. And you need great wealth to run a campaign. Only one candidate is not part of this system. Your future as an American rests on your vote.

Now to my audible book. So I finished all my narration and edited each chapter as I went. I am now relistening to the chapters to make them acceptable to the audible company. What I thought was going to be a quick process has turned into a big project. Somehow the recorded chapters have a gremlin in them destroying the perfection that I thought was there. So far I’ve had to delete my breathing in spots, something I thought I had done already, make the volume smoother, take out pops and cracks, something I thought I had already done. I hope to have it ready by June. I’ve been working on this for over a year.

I’m happy to report that I’m in the final edits of my third book. My daughter has a keen eye and good instincts for flow and plot points. When she finishes, I can finish and then I have several more beta readers to give me feedback. After that, I send it out and hope the cosmos smiles on me. This could be my swan song, if the answer from the cosmos is “Play Bridge instead.”

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