
Welcome new followers

I moved my blog from Yahoo Small Business to GoDaddy a few months ago and in that process lost my followers. For all these months, no new followers came knocking. I wondered if somehow my blog wasn’t live. I also used to get new subscribers every few days. Luckily, I was able to import my subscribers and got a few new ones. Unfortunately, only 258 of my 600+ subscribers were counted to display on the blog page. I also used to get several new subscribers daily and now hardly any. So I thought, perhaps, moving to GoDaddy was not so good.

But hooray!

Out of the blue a few days ago, I started getting followers. What triggered it? I haven’t a clue. I would love to hear from my new followers and what incentivized you to start following this blog. Anyway. WELCOME and THANK YOU. Your comments will be appreciated.

Thought of the day: Be grateful. Be happy. Be generous.


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