
Something’s gone wrong

When I wrote my third novel, the story came together as I wrote. So much of my writing starts with a vague idea and then details, characters, fill in the plot. The characters are usually some version of myself since I write in the first person present tense. In this book, however, the narrative moved into the realm of a parable or more precisely, an allegory. The notion of good versus evil is by no means unique or original. The Bible is full of such tales. Video games, historical discourse on modern-day world wars, old Westerns, crime fiction, crime TV always have the good guy and the bad guy. But life isn’t really like that. Good people can be bad in certain situations and bad people can become saviors unexpectantly.

When a Stranger Comes… took me to an interesting place because my main character struggles against her inclination for greed at any cost until she realizes that the cost is too much. The price paid is too high. While going through the process of developing this narrative, I’ve begun to realize that my muse was actually the reflection of the world as it is today. Here and abroad. The pervasive emotions, emotions that run rampant, are greed and jealousy. A gentleness toward our fellow humans is sorely lacking. Also lacking is a respect for our planet and a willingness to accept that we all live but for a brief moment and must share our limited resources.

So, where is love? Where is goodness? Where has treating one another with respect gone? The internet has brought us together to communicate with each other from the far reaches of this planet. People who would otherwise have never met can communicate. But this communication spreads more hate than love. Lonely people are recruited to join groups whose one focus is death. Or become part of groups that encourage abhorrent behavior. This amazing communication vehicle gives voice to the miserable disenfranchised who now can take their vitriol to a wide sphere of the public.

It also has helped spread hatred through this horrendous election cycle. One party has imprinted on our youth that racism is okay. That being disrespectful toward our president and his family is okay. Hoards of  haters are supporting those that spew hate. And the belief that some humans are more important than others. Deserve more. Are owed more.

So I asked myself as I wrote this book. Where is the love? Where is goodness? Where is gratitude? Something’s gone wrong. In the ageless battle between good and evil, right now, right here, evil is winning. Anger is winning. And that makes me sad.

Thought of the day: Be mindful of your actions and follow the basic tenet of all religions, do unto others as you would have others do unto you. You can save the world; if you follow this simple Golden Rule.


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