
I sure miss Bernie

It’s the day before the debates and I’m horrified. How can a heartless con man have a shot at the presidency? Bernie didn’t have a likeability problem. But, I think the Trumpeters who are mostly uneducated racist haters, would have purposely confused socialism with communism. Of course, those low information voters who think that Obama was president on 911, would not understand that the social reforms put into place by FDR have helped them immeasurably. These same people that say don’t take away my social security check, even the rich ones that don’t need it, say that socialism is bad. They think that they have paid into it like there is some kitty somewhere collecting their taxes to give them a paycheck in the future. That’s not how it works. My taxes benefited my mother and my kid’s taxes will benefit me. That’s why there’s a problem. Not enough young people to support the large baby boomer old people.

It’s a problem that can be fixed easily with taking away the ceiling on annual Soc. Sec. tax. And what about Medicare? That idea works for us old folks and it can work for everyone like Bernie told us. And free tuition for public universities. All of Europe works like that. Kids finish school in England and are not slaves to corporations because of school debt and the high cost of health insurance even with Obamacare. We need to focus on climate change for our children and grandchildren. Island countries like the Maldives will disappear. Bye, bye Florida. The Mideast will take care of itself when summer temperatures will soar above 122 degrees.

Trump believes that climate change is a hoax because it will affect his personal wealth to make changes. Can’t be flying around using up all that airplane fuel. Can’t be using so much energy cooling all the hotels he keeps building. He doesn’t think America is great right now. But he is living the life. The life that his followers could never live. And would be worse off when he takes away the safety nets, creates more scams like Trump University because with him it’s all about lining his own pockets, not caring a wit for the “little guy” and bashing his detractors. How could the hordes believe his rhetoric? His children are also entitled, arrogant elitists. Hunting endangered species. What is the attraction to a misogynist racist? A bully. An uninformed, arrogant blowhard?

So I miss Bernie because I’m not sure that Hilary can get her message across that she stands for Bernie’s platform. That she really has a good heart and has worked hard her entire adult life to make things better for women and children around the world. That she understands what’s at stake in a nuclear-armed world. We believe the words that Bernie speaks. But the media and the GOP have worked tirelessly to smear Hilary making HER the liar. Trump lies all the time, hourly reversing what he just said, using the RNC as his own money-making machine, his foundation as his own bank account, and bribing public officials. Telling the public that China has stolen all our manufacturing jobs when he makes all his ties and shirts in China so he can pay them slave wages instead of the decent wage he would have to pay if he made his clothes here.

Yet Hilary is tarnished as dishonest by the media and the relentless harassment by the GOP. Why did the media side with Trump right from the beginning? Giving him millions of dollars of free publicity? Because the silly media in a Trump world would be forever silenced. This country would become a police state modeled after Trump’s hero, Putin. So the media should have known better but the media is owned by corporations and crazy hate-spewing Trump gave them viewers and that turned into cash. Now we might have a dictator instead of a president. Perhaps the silenced media of the future will have regrets.

So, I miss Bernie because he’s the likeable guy. But he’s not running and Hilary is the only hope for keeping America as great as it is.

And with all my heart and soul, I say, I’m with her. Break a leg tomorrow night.

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