
Traveling opens your mind

I just returned from an amazing vacay with the hubs and my two daughters. A Baltic cruise. I visited countries that frankly I didn’t really ever think about, Latvia and Estonia. Just names to me. Sweden I had been to before and Finland had more name recognition for me and of course Russia. What I discovered on this trip is that in countries with universal healthcare the populace is happier and healthier. People can live on less income without the worry of medical expenses. A simple concept lost on the GOP.

Also and eyeopener were the hordes of tourists. The Hermitage in St. Petersburg was so crowded that any experience one might associate with it was lost in the pushing and shoving crowds in the non-aircondtioned museum. Avoid at all costs, I’ve seen Rembrandt paintings under much better conditions. The same crowds followed us to St. Catherine’s Palace where we had to skip the famous amber room so we could get back to the ship on time. The grounds of the Pushkin palaces and Peterhof were amazing even in the rain, our only rainy day. One got a little insight as to how the Russian people accept their hardscrabble lives while Putin and his cronies live like the Czars. Centuries of accepting being downtrodden while nobility flourished and satisfied all their whims. Even the revolutions made no difference. The people still accept substandard housing, deteriorated facades of buildings while the palaces are pristine. It gave some perspective why there are some American people who still support a con man like Trump because he was a celebrity. People who would forfeit their own best interests to have universal healthcare, believe a pathological liar who pushes Made in America while he and his daughter blatantly produce their products in India and China. People can be sheep and just follow blindly the evil governments they create.

We deserve Trump. Those of us that have abandoned democracy deserve Trump, while the rest of us mourn the loss. Just like the Russians who support Putin raping their country for his own benefit. Made of the same cloth–Putin and Trump. Using their positions for personal benefit and being allowed to do that by the proletariat, by us. Sad! As Trump would incessantly tweet. Sad that he’s trying to dismantle the free press. Putin had journalists poisoned. Sad that this man is already destroying the environment, our schools, our esteem among global leaders. We are traveling soon to Mexico and are informed that the US Dollar is not welcome but all other currencies are.

Will some future group of tourists come to Washington DC to visit the ruins of our government buildings after Trump Tower becomes our dictator’s home?

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