
All the haters have to go

These recent days have been filled with anxiety, despair, and anger. How could the American people be so stupid? Happily a good amount of Americans didn’t vote for him, but not enough. It’s amazing how this sleaze bag trump has been failing upward his entire life. A life-long criminal with an entitled mentality, it’s no wonder he was drawn to sexually abuse innocent little girls and attacking grown women against their will. A man like that sees the world through eyes of ownership. All his. An amoral man, he lusts after money, power, and respect. Respect has eluded him and that pleases me. He was a tabloid joke in NYC when I was growing up and unfortunately became an embarrassment with all the gaffs he made in his first term.

But now he’s a danger to the US and to the world stage. His vision for his presidency is determined by what he can get for himself. I believe Elon Musk rigged the election by getting into the tabulation computers. This election fell into place for the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 group. Their agenda was to turn the USA into a Christo-fascist country with its own version of Sharia law that marginalizes women.  Women will lose the vote and forced to be only wives and mothers, with no contraception or abortions allowed. And also to require bible study in schools that will no longer be public. Discrimination of yesteryear is on the table. Women will be left out of the workplace and all minorities will be held down, once again. In fact, white immigrants are encouraged but POC are being rounded up and deported. Rigging the election with republican majorities in all branches of government and installing a puppet president is the perfect scenario the Heritage Foundation has been  planning for years.

Apparently, becoming more evolved and inclusive has been derided as being “woke” and the Republicans want that crap out of our daily lives. Hate is back, baby. So, what now? All these haters have to go. Every last one. Our government needs to be run by democrats and independents. Period. My fear is that before we get to the midterms, martial law will be established and there will be no more elections. Perhaps the right number of Republicans will also find their spine and begin to change the tide. Right now Dems are impotent and can’t stop anything because of the numbers but that could change after the midterms and that’s why I think they won’t happen.

Right now, my biggest worry is that in their effort to reduce government, Social Security and Medicare will be eliminated. Don’t get me wrong, reducing the size of government is a good idea. But taking a chainsaw to agencies is not the way. Waste and fraud are bad but there are programs that really help people here and abroad. The happiest people on the planet live in Finland, a country that practices democratic socialism with a big government, not fascism, and gives many services to its citizens. That’s what we must fight for.

It’s not all bad. Just like trump, I also would like to see the Jihadi Muslims deported and stopped at the universities and I approve of trump’s strong support for Israel.  I turn 78 this year. I’ve seen a lot. The Nixon years were awful. Regan destroyed the middle class. But this could be it. This could be the end of the experiment. But maybe something unforeseen  will save us.

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