
Devastation in Japan

In my little nook, my insignificant dot on the planet, I go about my life in my mundane way. How weird that I get to do that when catastrophe is ringing in the ears on an entire population. Can we have the luxury to just think, “We are so far from there, what has it to do with us?” But we are all connected. Not only economically but even at the quantum level. We have to realize that somehow this has to do with us. Let’s just look at it environmentally. If that nuclear reactor goes to melt down what of the seas that ebb and flow in its path? Currents will surely bring the poison to our shores. Fish kills are already an abhorrent statistic, so what then will happen to our fish supply?

We are a global economy, so how will this work stoppage swoop down on our factories and products?

And the humanity of it. Thousands swept away, crushed. Is this a prelude to disaster forcing itself upon sleepy California villages, hight ticket mansions along the LA seashore? One wonders if the dark predictions of 2012 have some teeth. All of humanity is surely being tested in 2011. We must rise to the occasion. We must care about it all.

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