
Who are we?

What is happening to this country in our 21st Century? Why have we not grown spiritually? Or become kind? Guns, race hatred, hatred of the poor overshadow the possibilities for goodness and the existence of goodness. A confused young man full of race hatred is given a gun by his parents. Those parents sealed the fate of those poor souls worshiping in their church by that action. They also now sealed the fate of their son and can watch his execution. What a waste. What did they teach their son about people of color? All this hatred that remains in this country promulgated by ignorance and a basic lack of empathy. This element that lives in this country would vote against their own best interest to keep others from getting the necessary help.

There are actually people who are against the notion that we all deserve health care. Actually want to repeal the law to hurt other people because of their hatred for others. I know someone who lives in London and blesses the National Health System for her free hospital stay and free home care to manage her IV antibiotics. Who are we that we would fight against single payer, a system modeled on the NHS? Who are we that we would want to get rid of the ACA, a program that has removed pre-existing conditions, a stumbling block for many people to get coverage and removed the maximum benefit making people with catastrophic illnesses go bankrupt. The ACA also offers subsidized insurance for the low-income public.

There are those in this country who believe women should have no choice but these same people do not want any public services once the baby is born, if the mother is poor. A fetus is more important than a baby to these people.

Who are we? Are we really gun-toting mass murderers, subjugators of women, unfeeling low life’s as to the plight of others? Are we like the awful followers of ISIS in our disregard of others? Or are we better than that. I hope we are better than that. But the people with hearts have to overshadow the heartless. Let’s all make a pact to do some good in this country, to make sea change and become our “better angels.” Let’s never have another Charleston, Ferguson, and all the other horrors inflicted on people because of the color of their skin.

Who are we? I would like to be proud again to say, “We are Americans.”

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