
Endings and beginnings

Here we are on the eve of the end of 2014. I can remember the scare of the year 200o. All electronics would cease working. Companies had made money helping other companies get ready for Y2K. I started ringing in the New Year in Australia to watch the skies go dark. Nothing. Nothing happened. All appliances continued to work, here and everywhere. Computers continued to boot. What was the lesson? Just because there is mass belief in something doesn’t make it so. “Just the facts, ma’am.” Not mass hysteria. Make your own assessment of things and stay true, be flexible when facts lead to conclusions different from yours, and have hope that somehow things will work out. Hope. I always have hope. That has been my motto and will continue to be.

I had faith in my work SUNSPOTS. I chose to accept the glowing reviews and to take the negative reviews under advisement. But I knew it was good. In my gut I knew. And now there is validation from a third party source. The IndiePENdents is an organization that reviews works of indie authors to assess the writing and decide if it’s professional. It the writing is as good as works traditionally published. They have a history themselves as professionals. And their hero is James Joyce, definitely a writer of worth. Well, SUNSPOTS got their stamp of approval. A triumph in my eyes. To my mind that means, whether or not the narrative hit a reviewer’s interest, the presentation did. When sites use personal taste to vet a book, to me, it’s approval is kind of worthless. Narratives bring their own appeal. Good writing is universal. I’m proud of SUNSPOTS and I say to the IndiePENdents, thank you for recognizing the good writing.

Then another wonderful thing happened. I found an inexpensive site to promote SUNSPOTS and I have sold nearly 80 books in a few days. Love the sales rank umbers. Oh yeah. Books Butterfly’s users are quite active and hit an entirely different audience than the sites I have used before. Don’t waste your money on Kindle Nation Daily, the cost is not justified. At least for me. I spent 100 dollars and got 8 downloads. Even its sister site Book Gorilla is not good. So for all you indie authors remember BOOKS BUTTERFLY. It’s fabulous!

The coming year will bring my third novel. I’m getting close to finishing it and have high hopes. I will send it to agents as I prepare to publish it myself. I created my own cover and I like it. It will be in the fantasy thriller genre a popular classification with readers. So fingers crossed with the excitement of a new launch. I have another idea for a book and then I must go back and finish a book that got me stuck, mired in the narrative. My hope is to have the audible book for WALKING WITH ELEPHANTS completed and accepted. It’s been fun but really hard work.

So I wish  everyone a healthy and happy 2015. Perseverance and hope. All downs eventually turn up and vice versa. The cycle of life is a natural phenomenon. Winter turns into Spring and so on. Night becomes day. The moon waxes and wanes. I get thin and fat.

Love to you all.

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