
Now the wait

I had fun with my Kindle Scout campaign. My book trended hot for a few days right at first, then nothing, then at the end gangbusters. Now the wait. What is the criteria? Haven’t a clue. Is it hours that it trended hot during the 30 days? My stats were 100 hours for the month. Not great, but there were books that were never hot. My page views reached 1300. Is that good? No clue.

The email I received when the campaign ended said the team will be reviewing my book. So basically, the campaign is a perk, but the real test is whether they like my book. Fingers crossed, but there are oodles of books showcased. So will my not so outstanding campaign stats help or hurt? Will my book tickle their interest to offer a contract? No clue,  but a least I have a shot. My book is now being considered. I should know within the next few business days. Thanks to all that helped.

I also learned that most of my subscribers to this blog are bogus because I sent out an email and it bounced. Don’t know why bots sign up but they do. Shout out to my real subscribers: Thanks for being real.

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