
Keep your distance

Flowers bathe the air with sweetness. Chirping birds build tiny nests for tiny eggs. Puffy clouds float through bright blue skies. Sharp twigs break underfoot on trails cut through nature’s abundance. Insects buzz. Cattle chew their cud. Green leaves on reincarnated trees rustle gently in the wind. The sounds and sights of Spring.

But no sounds of human pleasure. No sounds of children playing, giggling, screaming with laughter. No muffled conversations between close friends, or lovers, no casual hellos to passersby who’ve gone missing.

Keep your distance.

Stay shut in or walk alone in the woods, breathe the outdoors but do not laugh together for fear of sharing droplets. Do not touch each other, nod your head in greeting minus hugs. Together alone in this separation.

Keep your distance.

But try to find some peace.

Keep your distance.

But try to find some joy.

Keep your distance… and live.

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