It’s the day before the debates and I’m horrified. How can a heartless con man have a shot at the presidency? Bernie didn’t have a likeability problem. But, I think the Trumpeters who are mostly uneducated
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Summer’s over, now what?
So here we are at Labor Day weekend. It’s true what they say that the older you get, the days just fly by. It was just the end of April that we were looking forward
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When I wrote my third novel, the story came together as I wrote. So much of my writing starts with a vague idea and then details, characters, fill in the plot. The characters are usually some
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I have many distractions to keep me from writing and rewriting. My daughter advises me that there’s no hurry to finish my third book. But I feel uneasy when I let too much time go
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I should have a thick skin, but I don’t. The sad truth is that my writing should not be self-published. I’m good. Very good at it. But the masses don’t care. My work is overlooked
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