As I sit in my house day after day, I’ve learned to only watch and hour or so of the news. However, I check twitter more frequently and I’ve come to learn some disturbing truths.
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The great mask war of 2020
The presidency of donald trump will be remembered as the most scandalous in modern history. The litany of scandals range from his campaign managers getting prison terms, to pushing harmful ways to kill the COVID-19
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We are living in terrible times. Horrific. A virus is sweeping the globe and leaving death and destruction of economies in its wake. A petrie dish for a rise in authoritarianism. And for all organic
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Easter Sunday is normally a joyful day for Christians, theoretically. In their minds it’s the day their Savior rises from the dead to bring love and protection for all mankind forever. But this Easter is
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Flowers bathe the air with sweetness. Chirping birds build tiny nests for tiny eggs. Puffy clouds float through bright blue skies. Sharp twigs break underfoot on trails cut through nature’s abundance. Insects buzz. Cattle chew
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