
Death comes in many forms

The Dems died last Tuesday and along with them the hope for the middle class and a viable Earth. Now the GOP can try to do all the evil things they want to do–repeal the ACA, ban abortion, ban birth control, keep the Dreamers in limbo or deport them, allow women to earn less than men, and stop the increase in the minimum wage. They can ignore the reality of climate change and pander to the fossil fuel companies to which they have sold their souls. They can lower taxes for the rich and corporations fueling the economic inequality, get rid of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.  All these things are ideologies that the public voted for. Voted against their own best interests. Why do people do that? The GOP has morphed into a party that exploits the ideologies of democracy. Voter suppression and gerrymandering pushed the election in their favor. That is not how a democracy should work. What will save this country in 2016 is if people get out and vote and put the snake back under the rock. Career politicians disgust me and should disgust you. In my case, in Florida, a bumbling, mumbling fool, Rick Scott, was voted for another term. He has hurt the environment, hurt the poor who need health insurance which in turn hurts hospitals, slashed the education budget hurting schools. He is a multi-millionaire who enjoys the spoils of a company he once owned that paid a whopping fine for Medicare fraud. The people of Florida voted him back in–shame on you and shame on us for giving so much power to a party that is not for the people but for business. And if McCain gets his way, our boys will be dying in droves in a war with Iran. The only bright spot in the GOP is their support for Israel, which Obama has had trouble getting behind. But their support has more to do with the evangelical second coming than for the Israeli people. And on that point at least Obama is honest.

I went to a funeral this week to pay my respects for a family member of my deceased first husband. Afterwards I encountered my own dysfunctional family experience like August Osage County. Someone who had been my friend since college and introduced me to my first husband turned on me like a vicious wild animal. She clawed at me, spewed lies, and attacked me with no let up. As far as I’m concerned, she is now dead to me.  Yes, death comes in many forms.

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