I think I’ve finally finished my latest book When a Stranger Comes… One of my beta readers suggested there were typos and such and so I read it again. How is it possible that I missed so many things and so, too, did my other readers? It’s probably a testament to the engrossing story that things like two “a” s or two “the”s got missed. I also put in more commas, which drives me crazy, when to use a comma or not to use. The new style is to use fewer commas, so that is what I did initially, but then changed my mind.
What struck me, though, in this last (I hope) edit is how much fun this book is to read. But, alas, I haven’t enticed any literary agents with my query and I even changed it with no luck. Kindle Scout seems to be my only option before I wind up doing it myself. But I’m quite happy with this work. Proud of the finished product. I know whoever buys this book will enjoy it. It’s entertaining, thought-provoking, and well-written if I say so myself. This last edit, though, was definitely needed. It also was great fun to write. After a book is finished, trying to find a home for it, is not fun. Trying to find readers for my other works, also, is not fun.
The fun part is the writing. Three books completed is an accomplishment, I remind myself, and I have two more books in the works. I will continue on this path because I enjoy the writing process. It would be icing on the cake to get traditionally published. Most certainly. But I still need to write. That’s who I am. Most certainly.
Stay tuned for my Kindle Scout announcement.