
Looking ahead, dreams and hopes

Before we are ready, yet another year has passed. As you advance in age, each year, each day, each breath is precious. Your childhood memories seem like events that happened to someone else. Indeed, you were someone else. We can think back and gloss over the hurt and paint an idyllic picture. The fun stuff. The good stuff remains and is crisp and clear. That is good. That is important. Because at the end of life, one wants to believe their life was good. Worthwhile, a gift, a blessing. I wish that for everyone as they pass through this life.

I see myself in the coming months acquiring a lot of knowledge on the subject of the Feminine Divine. Joseph Campbell has written extensively on that topic and, of course, the Hero’s Journey, which inspired the script for Star Wars. I hope to incorporate these thoughts, messages, and social analysis into my next work. It will be challenging and fun.

Let’s all band together, in the political sphere, the online world, and the real world to make 2014 a year to be remembered.

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