

So this year is drawing to an end. What have I accomplished? What have I learned? What is left to do in my twilight years?

Taking stock, I have accomplished quite a lot. I published my second novel both in print and electronically. I made it available for all e-readers. I got several fabulous reviews, sold quite a few copies. Discovered the best places to advertise. I learned how to use my Internet connections with authors and Websites to cull out advertising sites of which I had no knowledge. I realized that the review process is full of bumps and is not a science. Just as with Walking with Elephants, some will love my work, others hate it. But what I have recently learned is that there is a malevolent element online, referred to as snarky trolls, who get their jollies from targeting an author who they bait with smear tactics and bogus reviews.

Amazon and Goodreads do not stop this behavior and so they are part of it. Authors are powerless unless they have the money to hire lawyers and sue. One such author is doing that now, and it might change the trajectory of this despicable behavior online at GR and Amazon. I also learned that just as real life friends your virtual “friends” will turn their back on you when it is in their own best interests. Did I mention that the review process stinks?

In my twilight years, I need to finish my final writing project. It may be a trilogy, I’m not sure, but it will take continued studying of Joseph Campbell to understand the themes I am trying to incorporate. Continue to make a good life for my husband and myself, eat right, exercise, love my kids and grandkids, make my mother’s final years feel filled with love.


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