

Death is a part of life. It is the big unknown and not fun to think about. My sister-in-law sent me an obituary that had been written by the deceased person, a man who had been suffering from ALS for years. It was a joyful tome to his anticipation of experiencing what comes next. His joy was in his surety that his experience would be the most wondrous. Oh that we could face death with that wonder and happiness. It was truly a gift for him and I hope his dreams of the afterlife have been fulfilled.  This year, there have been many celebrities who have past. A banner year for travel to that plane. And so I think about my own mortality.

I live in a 55 and older community and Sunday as I swam in the pool, I looked around. All of us die. All of us in the pool will die and soon. The human condition is to know of our own mortality and still take pleasure in the gift of life. The lucky ones, the ones who do not suffer from an illness, live in extreme poverty, spend their lives in a war zone, or who were born without one of five senses have truly won the lottery of life. I am one of those people and I acknowledge my gratefulness for it everyday, or at least, most days. To have been a traveler on the journey of life is not without its heartbreaks and loss, of which I had my share, but the crapshoot of your birth governs how you will spend your days. I also have chosen to let love into my life and to give love whenever I can. Each day that I wake, I bless my life, the environment of my life and the people who have given me so much love, Mother ‘s day and everyday.

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