Well, I can honestly say that yahoo small business for web hosting is beyond awful. I switched to GoDaddy just today. The price is similar and tech support is not in India. I advise everyone
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New blog site
Posted on September 18, 2015 I’m sorry to say that yahoo has caused an error in my WordPress database connection and doesn’t seem to know how to fix it. So now I am posting directly
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Here’s the thing. As a writer, I need to be read. I love it when people read my books. But how do I make that happen? My work is quite readable as the positive reviews and
Continue ReadingThe sharks that feed on indie authors
There’s a million sites to promote one’s work. A gazillion, even. But where should I put my nonexistent royalties? I tried to answer that question recently and found sites that don’t charge a lot for advertising. Results?
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Well, I did it. I just finished the first draft of my third novel. All the important elements are there. Story arc, character arcs, chapters. Now I must read it and look for any plot holes,
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